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College Application Essay Assistance: Gain Insights from an Award-Winning Author: Harry Bauld's Contribution to College Application Essay Coaching thumbnail

College Application Essay Assistance: Gain Insights from an Award-Winning Author: Harry Bauld's Contribution to College Application Essay Coaching

Published Sep 25, 23
8 min read

College Consulting: Helping Students Navigate the College Application Process

New Bridge Education Consulting offers college application essay assistance to help students successfully navigate the intricate college application process. With their dedicated team of consultants, counselors, writers, and educators, they provide personalized guidance and support to ensure students make informed decisions and submit compelling applications.

Through their college consulting service, New Bridge Education Consulting helps students understand the various components of the college application process. They assist students in identifying and researching potential colleges, understanding admission requirements, and developing a comprehensive timeline to meet deadlines.

Their expert consultants provide valuable insights and advice on crafting a well-rounded application that showcases the student's achievements, interests, and aspirations. They also guide students through the process of obtaining recommendation letters, preparing for interviews, and handling any additional requirements requested by colleges.

New Bridge Education Consulting strives to alleviate the stress and confusion often associated with the college application process. They empower students with the knowledge and tools to make informed decisions, ultimately helping them find the best-fit college that aligns with their goals and aspirations.

To learn more about New Bridge Education Consulting's college consulting service, click here.

One-on-One Main Essay Development: Crafting a Personalized and Compelling Application Essay

New Bridge Education Consulting provides individualized support for students looking to craft a strong and compelling main essay for their college application. Their team of experienced consultants collaborate closely with students to brainstorm essay topics, develop a solid outline, and guide them through the writing and editing process.

The main essay is a crucial component of the college application process, as it offers students an opportunity to showcase their personality, experiences, and writing skills. With New Bridge Education Consulting's one-on-one essay development service, students receive personalized attention and guidance to create a unique and impactful essay that captures the attention of college admissions officers.

Their consultants help students identify their core values, passions, and significant life experiences that can be effectively incorporated into their essays. They provide feedback and suggestions to enhance clarity, coherence, and overall quality of the essay. Through multiple revisions, students are able to refine their essays and present a polished and authentic representation of themselves.

To explore how New Bridge Education Consulting can help with main essay development, click here.

The Comprehensive Process of Writing a College Application Essay

Writing a college application essay can be a daunting task, but New Bridge Education Consulting offers a comprehensive process to guide students through this important milestone. Their team of consultants and writing specialists provide step-by-step support to help students develop a well-crafted and impactful essay.

The comprehensive process begins with initial brainstorming sessions, where students are encouraged to explore their unique experiences, interests, and perspectives. Consultants help students identify compelling topics and anecdotes that can effectively convey their personality and interests to admissions officers.

Once a topic is chosen, New Bridge Education Consulting assists students in structuring their essays, ensuring a clear and logical flow of ideas. Their consultants provide guidance on crafting engaging introductions, capturing the reader's attention, and creating memorable conclusions that leave a lasting impression.

Throughout the process, consultants provide detailed feedback and suggestions to strengthen the essay's content, structure, and overall storytelling. They ensure that the essay aligns with the student's voice and conveys a strong sense of authenticity.

To learn more about the comprehensive process of writing a college application essay with New Bridge Education Consulting, click here.

Supplementary Essay Development: Standing Out with Unique Short Writing Pieces

In addition to the main essay, many colleges require students to submit supplementary essays that delve deeper into specific topics or interests. New Bridge Education Consulting offers guidance and support for students to develop thoughtful and unique supplementary essays that help them stand out from the competition.

The consultants at New Bridge Education Consulting work closely with students to identify which colleges require supplementary essays and help them understand the specific prompts and expectations. They assist students in brainstorming ideas, outlining their essays, and providing feedback on content, structure, and editing.

Supplementary essays provide an opportunity for students to showcase their knowledge, passion, and fit with the college's values and community. New Bridge Education Consulting's team of consultants ensure that students develop compelling narratives that effectively communicate their strengths and goals.

To explore how New Bridge Education Consulting can help with supplementary essay development, click here.

College Essay Review: Expert Evaluation and Suggestions for Improvement

If students have already written their college application essays, New Bridge Education Consulting offers a comprehensive review service. Their lead counselor and writing specialist evaluate the essay and provide detailed feedback and suggestions for improvement.

During the essay review process, New Bridge Education Consulting's experienced reviewers assess the essay's content, structure, clarity, and storytelling. They provide valuable insights on how to enhance the essay's impact and ensure it effectively conveys the student's unique voice and experiences.

The essay review service at New Bridge Education Consulting aims to help students present their best work to college admissions officers. By offering professional feedback and suggestions for improvement, they assist students in creating a compelling and polished essay that stands out from the competition.

To learn more about New Bridge Education Consulting's college essay review service, click here.

New Bridge Educational Consulting: A Team of Committed and Knowledgeable Consultants

New Bridge Educational Consulting takes pride in their team of committed and knowledgeable consultants who have extensive experience in college admissions and counseling. These consultants collaborate closely with students and their families to provide personalized guidance and support throughout the college application process.

The consultants at New Bridge Education Consulting have a deep understanding of different educational settings, allowing them to assist students in finding the best-fit college that aligns with their academic and personal goals. They stay up-to-date with the latest trends and requirements in college admissions to provide accurate and relevant advice to students.

Equipped with a wealth of knowledge and expertise, New Bridge Education Consulting's consultants empower students to make informed decisions, present their best selves in their applications, and navigate the complex college admissions landscape with confidence.

To learn more about New Bridge Education Consulting and their team of consultants, click here.

Meet the Consultants: Stephanie Bartling and Linda Lowen

New Bridge Education Consulting is proud to have Stephanie Bartling and Linda Lowen as their lead consultants, who bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to their practice.

Stephanie Bartling, the lead counselor at New Bridge Education Consulting, has over 25 years of experience in admissions and college counseling. She takes a holistic and individualized approach to counseling, combining her in-depth knowledge of different educational settings with a personal commitment to her clients' success.

Linda Lowen, the writing specialist at New Bridge Education Consulting, has a background in journalism and over 15 years of experience as a writer and editor. She brings a keen eye for detail and a passion for storytelling to her work, ensuring that students' essays are engaging, unique, and impactful.

Stephanie and Linda work closely with students to guide them through the college application process, providing expert insights, feedback, and support at every step.

Getting Your Best Essay: The Importance of a Comprehensive Essay Review

A comprehensive essay review is a crucial part of the college application process. New Bridge Education Consulting emphasizes the importance of seeking expert evaluation and feedback to ensure that students submit their best work.

By undergoing a comprehensive essay review, students receive valuable insights and suggestions for improvement from experienced professionals. These reviewers assess the essay's content, structure, language, and voice, providing detailed feedback on how to enhance the essay's impact and make it more compelling.

New Bridge Education Consulting's essay review service helps students identify areas for improvement, polish their essays, and ensure they effectively convey their unique strengths and experiences to college admissions officers. The feedback received through the review process strengthens the essay and increases the chances of admission to their desired colleges.

To learn more about the importance of a comprehensive essay review, click here.

Expert Reviewers: Linda Lowen and Stephanie Bartling's Insights and Feedback

Linda Lowen and Stephanie Bartling, the expert reviewers at New Bridge Education Consulting, provide invaluable insights and feedback on students' essays.

Linda Lowen, with her background in journalism, brings a keen eye for detail, language, and storytelling to the essay review process. Her expertise ensures that students' essays are engaging, well-written, and leave a lasting impression on college admissions officers.

Stephanie Bartling, with her extensive experience in admissions and college counseling, provides holistic and individualized feedback. She assesses the essay's content, structure, and alignment with the student's goals and aspirations to help students present their best selves in their applications.

The combined expertise of Linda Lowen and Stephanie Bartling ensures that students receive comprehensive and actionable feedback, guiding them towards crafting a strong and compelling essay.

Insights from an Award-Winning Author: Harry Bauld's Contribution to Essay Coaching

New Bridge Education Consulting incorporates insights from Harry Bauld, the author of the book "On Writing the College Application Essay," into their essay coaching services. With over 30 years of experience as a professional writer and teacher, Harry Bauld offers valuable perspectives on revision, compression, attention to voice and language, and other aspects critical to successful college application essays.

Harry Bauld's contribution adds depth and expertise to New Bridge Education Consulting's essay coaching, enriching the guidance provided to students. His insights help students refine their essays and strengthen their storytelling, enabling them to create memorable and impactful applications.

To benefit from Harry Bauld's contribution to essay coaching, students can explore New Bridge Education Consulting's essay coaching services here.

College Essay Writing Support

College Application Essay Assistance - Crafting a Standout Application Essay: One-on-One Help for College Applicants

College Essay Writing Support Crafting a Standout Application Essay: One-on-One Help for College Applicants
More about College Application Essay Assistance: Viewers Choice

College Application Essay Assistance: Gain Insights from an Award-Winning Author: Harry Bauld's Contribution to College Application Essay Coaching

Crafting a Standout Application Essay: One-on-One Help for College Applicants

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